January 1, 2009 journal, I believe this is going to be a year of Jubilee and major rejoicing.In about 2 weeks the worst dictator since A Hitler and Abraham Lincoln will leave office. Lincoln's killer past was laundered by history while Hitler's appear to be partly magnified. As one studies the possibility of all the good things they could come out of this economic crisis, the good will eventually outweigh the bad. Many are calling for a moratorium on foreclosures. Some banks are even calling their delinquent customers offering to amend their mortgage payments. They may even forgive the delinquency and let them start fresh and new paying their house payments. Their bitter losses motivate them to work with the house owners to cure the problem which is an economic decision but it has come about in this crisis. The crash of the federal, state and city governments will bring on renewed and simple living free of stress. Americans for the first time will discover the enormous peace and happiness in the God-given fashion from the creator. The tyrants of Wall Street will be over as will the taxes on your income, home and vehicle. You can live life free of this unnatural intrusion and invasion. It could in a sense be like the biblical New Millennium. The banks need to stop pretending & close down leaving their debt bonds behind them. It will be a great day when the CIA, FBI and I*R*S no longer exist and the people free. I will be happy when the USA can no longer make or buy military hardware to kill with. It will be good when public schools can no longer afford to operate teaching children the evolutionary religion. It will be good when the million dollar doctors are out of business. It will be good when federal and state retired worker pinions are no longer draining the treasury. No president can fix this financial mess, it must first collapse to ground zero. Central bank of foreign governments are reported to have sold off $89 billion in treasury bonds in the last 30 days. Secretary Paulson is gong to have his hands full in redeeming those bonds. This will I predict become a financial avalanche to bring the system down. This nation is as broke as Bernie Madoff in his pongee scheme to fool all of his investors. From California "When lawmakers make a joke it becomes law & law becomes a joke. David Walker former comptroller general has restated the actual national debt now is 56 trillion dollars, that calculates to one half million dollars for every household in America. The 11 or 12 trillion dollars they report does not cover the long-term liabilities we have. Never mind worrying about paying it because that would be impossible for taxpayers. The debt is as phony as the dollar and no dollar or world currency is backed by gold. There is no gold left in Fort Knox and we never did know how much there was at first. My journal on January 2 estimates how much gold there was and is in the world today. The only thing I am sure of is when we get to heaven the streets will be paved with gold.